December, 31, 2003

From Iraq’s phantom “weapons of mass destruction” to the phantom remains of U.S. democracy, 2003 saw the world degenerate further into uncertainty and conflict. The Likud-controlled Pentagon invaded Iraq and put the world on notice that no expense in lives money or honour would be spared in the name of Israel’s self-interest. The United Nations was publicly humiliated as it proved once gain incapable of upholding its own principles in the face of U.S.–zionist obstructionism.

Yet for all the U.S.’s bullying and belligerence, historians might look back on 2003 as a watershed year. The post-Sept. 11 bloodlust that insulated Bush from criticism had abated, and serious questions about military and domestic security policy are exposing the criminality and incompetence of the U.S.’s ruling zionist élite.

Two events dominated the world in 2003, each demonstrating a brazen contempt for law and civil rights. The first was the invasion of Iraq and the U.S.’s failed attempt to bully the UN Security Council into sanctioning it.

The case for invasion started coming apart in February when Secretary of State Colin Powell presented “evidence” of Iraq’s WMDs to the UN Security Council. Only later did we learn that the proof was forged and two “current” satellite photos were taken weeks apart. The more the U.S. lied to the world and bullied its allies into underwriting its illegal aggression against Iraq, the more credible and principled the critics looked.

Of course, this did not sit well with Bush and co., who proceeded to libel and insult the French and Germans in the most unseemly manner. Bush and “Rummy” (his besotted Secretary of Defence) resembled alcoholics who turn on their friends and family and seek the company of strangers (“New Europe”) because they indulge their addiction.

The invasion did more than kill thousands of Iraqi civilians and destroy what political order there was; it destroyed Iraq’s rich culture. Pictures of U.S. soldiers permitting the looting the Iraqi museum told more about the true intentions of the Bush government than any news dispatch could. Strange, but nobody brought up the parallel of the Nazi theft of French masterpieces—then again, maybe not so strange.

The “war” ended on May 1, but the U.S. death toll continued to climb as resistance forces proved themselves to be a formidable enemy. Already the numbers of U.S. fatalities from the war and “peace” exceed those killed in the first three years of the Vietnam War.

The Bush/Zionist imperial government is so desperate to hide the truth of its folly that many high officials could face impeachment proceedings. In his January 2002 State of the Union address, Bush made specific claims about Iraq’s WMDs and predicated U.S. military action on the need to capture these weapons and defend the U.S. Now we know there are no such weapons, and anything Iraq might have had could not threaten the U.S. In short, Bush lied to the nation in the speech, and that is an impeachable offence.

In the desert of Iraq, like the rice paddies of Vietnam, American lives are wasted in the name of a discredited ideology, yet the government has ordered that there be no coverage of the returning war dead. There is little or no support for the Iraq atrocity outside the cabal of Christian and Jewish zionists that manufactured it. The soldiers themselves hate Rummy and want to come home. With no way to extricate itself from its Vietnam-style quagmire, the U.S. can be expected to play out this hand for as long as it can.

In Palestine, meanwhile, suffering intensified under the Israeli reign of terror in the Occupied Territories. Like its American clients, though, the Sharon government is coming up against the limits of what intimidation and dishonesty can accomplish. A sign of its moral bankruptcy is the apartheid Wall to prevent Palestinian resistance fighters from taking the war inside the Green Line. Of course, Israel helped itself to whole swaths of land and dispossessed hundreds of thousands of Arabs, but that’s par for the course.

The world protested and condemned the Wall, but it went up all the same. Even Bush squeaked his disapproval, but a stooge cannot control his master. Still, the Wall symbolizes the brazenness of Sharon’s cruelty and has helped focus attention on the bankruptcy of Israel itself.

Sadism toward Palestinians reached such proportions this year that elements of Israel’s élite openly worried about the viability of the state. Four former spymasters warned that the occupation was threatening Israel’s stability, and then later 27 pilots and six reservists openly refused to carry out humiliations and repressions against Palestinians. Who knows how many other soldiers and airmen see the inevitable collapse of Israel and want to end the terror? Who know how many German soldiers were in the same position during World War II.

Over the next year, Israel and zionist occupation of the U.S. will continue to die lingering deaths and involve other nations in their desperate attempts to avoid extinction and justice. The fallout from the Iraq war will doubtless also claim the political career of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bush’s loyal propagandist and sycophant.

We will continue to live in interesting times. A collapsing economy, plummeting dollar, rising unemployment, international contempt and bloated defence spending will plague the U.S. for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, Europe will gain strength and power as countries abandon the U.S. dollar and adopt the euro as the dominant economic currency. We are definitely moving back toward a multipolar world like that of the 19th century, as the U.S., like Britain after WWII, finds it cannot maintain its superpower status.

The 2004 election will determine if the zionists can steal the White House a second time, or if the U.S. public has had enough of occupation, and demands a return to democracy. The end of Apartheid in South Africa gives hope that even this entrenched oppressive order must reckon with the consequences of its injustice.